
Saturday 25 November 2017

A Woodland Walk to mark the start of National Tree Walk

Today we walked round Corstorphine Hill, but chose a different part of the hill than we normally walk on a Friday lunchtime (you can see the photos from yesterday's walk here).

It was a frosty start to the day, but this only enhances the autumnal colours

the orange conifer tree in the photo above isn't ill, it's a larch and is the only conifer to change colour  and lose its needles!

There were a lot of birds to see, most appropriately for National Tree Week is this lovely treecreeper

also several bullfinches, though they wouldn't pose for a group photo, there is a 2nd male in this photo, can you see him?

Corstorphine Tower, a monument to Sir Walter Scott rises above the trees at the top of the hill

The paths are carpeted with leaves, I love the copper carpets under the beech trees.

National Tree Week marks the start of the winter tree planting season and you can find out more here.


  1. I love walking in forested area in the Autumn. I find it peaceful and invigorating. Spectacular photos, i particularly like Scott’s tower.��

  2. "Number 3 - The Larch"

    Looks like a lovely walk, been a bit too lazy and slow to get going today.

  3. Ah, the "Mystery of the Copper Beeches." ???

  4. Hello, looks like a nice walk. I like the Treecreeper.

    Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week!

  5. What a great walk, I enjoyed your photo's.

    All the best Jan


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