
Tuesday 24 October 2017


The populations of many seabirds are in decline around the world, but now there is a way you can help!

Zooniverse, a citizen science web portal has launched a new project, Seabirdwatch!  Camera traps have been set up around the north Atlantic to take thousands of photos of kittiwakes and guillemots, two of the sea bird species that are in decline.

Seabirdwatch invites you to take part in counting these seabirds to help scientists understand population trends. So, visit the website, where after a quick tutorial, you'll be asked to identify and click on images of birds and their chicks.

This is a great way to join in seabird conservation and involves no hanging on ropes off dangerous sea cliffs and no bobbing about in small boats on choppy seas! 

I found out about this project through Autumnwatch, which started a new series last night. It's always well worth watching whether you're new to watching nature or you're a seasoned naturalist.


  1. Yes, a good survey and a good Springwatch (loved those foxes). We were amazed at how many different puffin-spotting sites there were...

  2. Hello, this is a great project. I think we have something similar here too.

    Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  3. I hunted for Planet 9 on here during BBC Stargazing live...I didn't get a new planet named after me though


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