
Wednesday 25 October 2017

Losing Touch

The taste of the rain changes
losing the tang of salt
to take on the edge of metal

Glaciers crack like gunshots
as they crash down mountains
to flood the valleys.

Dazzling heat burns
migraines into tired heads
blurs our vision.

Darkness no longer smells
of honeysuckle
but of death.

Originally posted in 2006 for the Poetry Thursday theme of synaesthesia


  1. Well, it may be last week's theme, but it was worth waiting for - now I'm off to Alter Ego to check out your other poem.

  2. Love that opening line, and what follows certainly lives up to the beginning. Nice job!

  3. Anonymous6:23 pm

    I like the way that the stanzas inform each other and the ambiguities. I've read it 3 or 4 times and it is still fresh. Well done.

  4. Anonymous9:05 pm

    This poem makes me think of global warming

  5. That last stanza is killer.

  6. HI everyone, thanks for your comments.

    My backyard - I was thinking of global warming when I wrote it! (and acid rain).

    Twitches - in more ways than one!

  7. nicely done

    "Darkness no longer smells
    of honeysuckle
    but of death."

    the last stanza is my favorite
    i like to consider (morbid as it seems here) the smell of death. especially when paired with honeysuckle. a pairing i've not ever experienced. makes death seem sweet.

  8. __ So many are in that -trance- heedless to our pending dissolve. _m

    heat crawls
    through this granet trance
    penguins sweat

  9. Hello, I agree with the comment above. This reminds me of Global Warming.
    Well done!
    Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  10. A perfect description of what is happening. Also, a very powerful poem.

  11. A powerful poem, Juliet. Thank you for re-posting.

  12. Jan Fabre's "bones and glass" exhibition is in Venezia. The theme is the environment - bird skeletons and glass skulls the make point. I chose to photograph a woodpecker and put it on my blog to drive the point home. Thanks to blogger Magyar for making the connection for me to your poem!


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