
Friday 4 November 2016

You've been Trumped Too

You’ve Been Trumped Too was largely filmed over the last 12 months, during the most contentious American presidential election campaign in history. The film explores the growing confrontation between a feisty 92 year-old Scottish widow and her family and a billionaire seeking to become the most powerful man in the world.

When Michael Forbes, his mother Molly and their neighbours refused to leave their homes to make way for development of a controversial, environmentally destructive golf course (the Trump International Golf Links), the Trump Organization began a campaign of intimidation and bullying, even bringing in the police to help them. The Trump Organisation cut off the water supply to the Forbes homes and refused to re-connect the water supply, ignoring the law that states that they are responsible for ensuring that the houses are provided with water.

You've Been Trumped Too catches up with the Forbes family five years on from the building of the golf course. The houses are still without water supply and eventually Michael Forbes has to fix the pipes himself, after which task the Trump Organisation send him yet another threatening letter. 

The film is excellent at drawing comparisons between how Trump has treated the Forbes and their neighbours and how he deals with related issues in the USA:

* Trump cut off the Forbes water supply and refused to reconnect it while in the USA he treated the residents of Flint with contempt during their water crisis.  

* Trump built a wall round his golf course in Aberdeenshire and prevented locals from accessing the land (which was previously public land) while in the USA he plans to build a wall on the USA Mexico border to keep Mexican immigrants out. The Forbes and many of their neighbours now display Mexican flags in their gardens. 

* The Forbes family have a history of caring for animals while the Trump family has a history of hunting big game for sport. Donald Trump junior, who shoots elephants and other endangered species, apparently wants to be in charge of the USA Wildlife Department if his father becomes president. 

It was interesting to see the reactions in the USA to the story of the Forbes family. Some Trump supporters in the film remained unmoved by what had been happening in Aberdeenshire while three were on camera stating they would no longer vote for Trump once they heard what had happened. One group of young people hailed Michael Forbes as a hero when they met him when he visited the Republican Party Convention.

Donald J Trump comes across as a man who doesn't care at all for poor people, or for human rights or for the rule of law. He seems only to be concerned about himself and how he can make more money. As Molly Forbes says in the film "You can't trust Donald Trump".
You've been Trumped Too can be watched from the You've Been Trumped Facebook page until after the US Elections. 

You've been Trumped Too follows on from You've been Trumped which I reviewed here


  1. "Donald J Trump comes across as a man who doesn't care at all for poor people, or for human rights or for the rule of law. He seems only to be concerned about himself and how he can make more money. As Molly Forbes says in the film "You can't trust Donald Trump". Amen to that! He is an embarrassment. He treats people terribly (which is an understatement.) I'll make sure to watch this film - although nothing surprises me about him anymore.

  2. It makes me sick to my stomach to envision him as the president. He has so little regard for helping regular folks (especially those of color)that our economy would suffer greatly. The ugliest thing of all is the hate he spews at those of us he considers beneath him--and that's almost all of us!

  3. Anonymous1:40 am

    sickening stuff

  4. __ 'Tis time to step forward, but... I know my 'write-in' vote will matter only to me.

    I sense, deeper dangers ahead. _m

  5. So glad it is nearly over!!!

  6. I am so sad this morning ... I am in shock. Just trying to go about my morning routine as if the world as we know it hadn't just ended. Now I'll make coffee and think about good things, like the lovely trees you show in your following two posts ... and the real ones I see on the terrace ... and blue skies. And try to convince myself that the world will go on.


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