
Saturday 5 November 2016

Lots of autumn colour!

The trees are just wonderful this year and though we're not having much wind and more leaves are staying on the trees than normal they are starting to fall and create beautiful carpets in the woods. So a selection of photos from our trip today around Cammo Country Park:

It's amazing how the colours of one tree can change in the light, look at this oak tree when the sun was behind a cloud

and how different it looked when the sun came out again!

The sunshine made for some lovely shadows, so here are two photos for Shadow Shot Sunday:

and from yesterday, here is a shot of a rowan tree near the centre of Edinburgh for Weekend Reflections:


  1. Great Pictures.

    Regarding Trump. It is a very odd time to be living in the States now. There is tremendous dislike for Hillary Clinton and for many of those people Trump is the only choice. Many of them do not even consider his history or his behavior.

  2. It was a bright day today, with a freezing wind, managed to do some sketching though, even with my gloves off and my horrible hands

  3. Love the colors and light that comes with fall!

  4. Hi Rabbits' Guy - I don't like Hillary Clinton either and i can understand the 'anyone other than Hillary' point of view, well I can understand it when the 'anyone other' isn't Trump.

    Simon - glad you got some sketching done!

    Paula - so do I!

  5. The corruptness of Hillary is astounding. I cannot fathom anyone choosing her. I have no qualms about choosing Trump. I admire the man he has become and how much he genuinely loves his country and his plans for fixing it.

  6. Hello, lovely Autumn colors and trees. Beautiful shots from your trip! Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  7. What gorgeous photo's, the colours are so lovely.

    All the best Jan

  8. The sun coming through the leaves is lovely!

  9. A beautiful time of year!!!


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