
Saturday 8 October 2016

Hints of autumn along the river

We walked along the Leith stretch of the Water of Leith today. I wanted to check out some details before taking a group along this part of the river on Wednesday. We started at the Shore

and walked through Leith to Bonnington. Much of this stretch of the river is very urban

though there are plenty of trees showing off their autumnal colours

there are pretty views of the river

plenty of birds including this mute swan

and remains of the area's rich industrial heritage

and some lovely abstract patterns in the water


  1. Hello, pretty views of the river. The swan is beautiful. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Same here. You can feel autumn's arriving. But I'm going to wait for a wee bit before I venture out on my bike to enjoy London's autumn.

    Greetings from London.

  3. Wonderful photos, autumn is arriving slowly but sure.

  4. Much less autumnal with you than me here, been very grey today. But I've enjoyed being out nonetheless

  5. Hi Juliet,

    Such a beautiful river and swan and must be a lovely place to take a walk.
    happy Sunday

  6. The photos remind me of our New England mill towns. Thankfully, most of the old brick buildings have not been taken down.

    I'll have to say that the United States is way behind in creating walkable urban spaces.

  7. Such importance, undamaged waterways, the histories and our valued nature. Great and thoughtful photos of your walk, Juliet.
    __ Kathy and I visited Vermont's grand, Autumn painted mountains this week, such sights and feelings. We returned to Mass and Plymouth, through NY and that historic Fort Ticonderoga. In spoken Iroquois, Ticonderoga means a place between the waters.

    this place between the waters
    painted hillsides


  8. It is a wonderful place to walk - even if urban!

  9. walking along the flowing river is so poetic to me .such walks bring in some soothing and enchanting affects in mind and soul

  10. Such pretty views along the river ...

    All the best Jan


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