
Saturday 12 March 2016

Water Rail, crocuses and the first rhododendrons

It's a dull but mild day today, brightened up by the lovely shows of colour from crocuses and the first rhododendrons of the year.

Our first stop today was Inverleith Park, where we were greeted by these lovely crocuses

We made our way to the Inverleith Pond, where the crowds of photographers and birdwatchers suggested that the water rail was probably visible, which indeed it was, and quite happy to pose for photos too. (Well, happy to pose for Crafty Green Boyfriend, none of my photos turned out!). The water rail is generally an elusive and shy bird but this one will run around quite happily in full view of everyone

It even gave a quick yoga demonstration for us!

We then went into the Botanic Gardens, where there are more wonderful crocuses

The Botanics are famous for their rhododendrons and the first ones are just coming into bloom. I took far too many photos, here's just a small selection

We made friends with this cheeky grey squirrel

 who enjoyed burying all the peanuts we gave it.

and this moorhen (a more common cousin of the water rail) was happily floating round the Botanics Pond.


  1. Hello, great birds and sightings. I love the rail photos. The flowers are beautiful. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Isn't spring wonderful? and how I love to see the first crocus, for me, the first real sign that spring has arrived.

    have a great weekend Juliet, G

  3. You got the water rail nicely on the photos, love it. And all those crocuses in the park a wonderful sight.
    Have a nice weekend, the weather is sunny at last and I fill my days with the pruning of roses and roses.

  4. __Warming photos, Juliet, flowers that even make a squirrel smile; that softer ground_!

    the buds
    pull the earth through greening stem
    foot prints


  5. Fabulous pictures of a normally very shy bird. So shy I've never seen one!

  6. The Rhodis are always a highlight of the Botanics - we must organise a visit to them soon...

  7. Fun photos! Rhodies here are still aways a away from blooming.

    I feed the gray squirrels here s few peanuts now too. One of them picks it up, sits up on his haunches and begins to try to get through the shell with his paws and teeth. The harder he tries, the more he tips his head back and begins to lean back. More and more until eventually he just tips right over backwards! Picks himself up and starts all over again .. to the same end! Eventually he gets the peanuts!

  8. Great, beautiful photos!

  9. I love seeing the crocus in the lawn and oh those rhododendrons...gorgeous!

  10. You have shared some lovely photo's, I've always liked rhododendrons a favourite of mine.

    All the best Jan

  11. You have the nicest places to walk where you live. Thanks for posting the beautiful flowers. They were just what I needed to see this morning.

  12. Just beautiful! I remember my first sight of rhododendrons in Scotland - when the plane was coming in for a landing, they were banked up on a hillside. I've always loved them since.


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