
Friday 11 March 2016

Nature inspired art along the River Esk

As part of the lead up to the Musselburgh Riding of the Marches, one of the bridges over the River Esk in the town has been yarn bombed. Here are just some of the lovely knitted artworks

At the point where the River Esk walkway joins up with the John Muir Walkway along the Firth of Forth, there's a much older (and more durable) little artwork

The skylarks were singing beautifully above the walkway, and the reed buntings were excitedly chasing each other. Meanwhile on the Lagoons, the shelduck were performing their courtship displays.This was the first time I've ever seen these large, strikingly patterened ducks displaying. They look quite comically awkward as they throw their long necks back and forward. Lots of other birds around too!

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. Hello, pretty knitted artwork. Happy birding, enjoy your weekend!

  2. I love to see people claiming public space like that, and using it for themselves.

  3. Nice colorful art. I occasionally see a tree decorated here. I love that.

  4. Never seen one - thanks for the picture!

  5. So colourful and fun to see.

    All the best Jan


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