
Saturday 2 January 2016

Water Rails and Moorhens

We visited Inverleith Park and Edinburgh Botanic Gardens today. This photo is one of the magnificent trees in the Botanics, hear the rock garden. 

There were lots of birds around, most interesting was the water rail, which is relatively rare and very elusive. One of these birds has been seen regularly in Inverleith Park for the past year and is a lot less elusive than most are. Crafty Green Boyfriend took this photo (click on it to enlarge it!)

The water rail is closely related to coots and moorhens, both of which are much more common. Crafty Green Boyfriend took this photo of a moorhen on the Botanics pond (which has now been refilled after it was drained for maintenance for a couple of months or so).

The Botanics was also full of grey squirrels (again Crafty Green Boyfriend took the photo - the red eye is in response to the camera flash!)

The Botanics are also currently hosting an exhibition of drawings of the plantlife of Chile, it's a beautiful and interesting exhibition, showing until March.


  1. You do well for water rails, that's the second one I've seen on your blog. I've never come across one, think they are to be found at RSPB LAngford near me but they are very secretive.

  2. That is a majestic tree!

  3. Love the pix of the rareys!

  4. Oh that tree is just wonderful ... I wonder how old it is?
    Some great photo's you've shared here, and good too that you were able to get out, the weather has certainly been damp in certain areas of the UK ... and that is probably the understatement of the Year!

    May you have a Happy, Healthy and Successful 2016

    All the best Jan

  5. We all like your walks, you take us with you. _m


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