
Saturday 24 October 2015

Robins and fallen leaves

It was cloudy but fairly warm as we walked along the Innocent Railway near Arthur's Seat today.

The fallen leaves are beautiful

and there are still lots of leaves on many of the trees, the cherry trees looking particularly beautiful

There were lots of birds around today, a kestrel swooped past us, chased by jackdaws and there seemed to be chaffinches everywhere, chasing each other and calling out 'pink, pink'.

Only one bird generally sings at this time of year though and that's the robin. Both make and female sing at this time of the year, each defending their own territory. This one posed quite nicely for a photo

and I wrote a haiku about robins in autumn which you can read in yesterday's blog post.


  1. Pretty images, I love your pretty Robin! Happy weekend to you!

  2. Your post reminds me that I am due a walk in the woods some time soon. Autumn's here. Great photos.

    Greetings from London.

  3. At this time of year, our American robins are heading south for the winter. I have two crabapple trees in back that attract flocks of them. I put out pans of water and they line up to take baths. It seems like the tiny apples may be fermented because the birds get wild and crazy, squabbling and sometimes flying into the windows. I put Halloween clings on the windows to keep them from hurting themselves. The drunken birds are always a lively spectacle!

  4. Just my simple echo, Juliet, of your last two posts.

    leaves whirl
    in this seasoned wind
    the birds joust

    __ Within their view of your photos, Juliet... the seers join your walk. _m

  5. What a lovely walk you were able to enjoy.
    The colours look so lovely.

    All the best Jan

  6. It looks lovely there in autumn and I wish our robins were still here to sing.

  7. many fallen leaves all around here too and I've seen a pair of robins.

  8. I love the last photo most of all. This would make a lovely card I think. Have a wonderful week Juliet! ;-)

  9. Very Fall nice!

  10. Quite lovely in your world!

  11. "Innocent Railway." Now there's a name.


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