
Tuesday 27 October 2015

Plans for the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop

I made another beaded id badge lanyard recently, using beads from a necklace that needed to be restrung plus some larger beads from my stash of upcyclable beads.

It's now in the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop, you can see it here.

Edited to add: I also just made these earrings using beads from jewellery that needed to be restrung

These are also in the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop, you can see them here

I'm hoping to be able to get up to 100 items in the shop in the near future. One hundred items is apparently the magic number at which an Etsy shop suddenly becomes more successful. (Though admittedly, my shop is actually already much more successful than I originally had ever expected it to be!).

I'm also planning on setting up a second Etsy shop to sell vintage and supplies (including sea pottery / sea glass). I used to have these items in my main shop (and in fact there still are a few supplies etc in there) but separating them out will give the shops more cliarity. So, watch this space!


  1. Congrats and good luck with your new shop!

  2. Congratulations on your success, and good luck

  3. These look very nice, and I wish you well in your new shop. It's always good to have plans.

    Hope your week is going well so far.

    All the best Jan

  4. I hope the cash register is soon kerchiing-ing!

  5. Anonymous12:42 am

    best of luck with your sales

  6. Quite the deal. But you do work hard at it.

  7. I'm over at Etsy too (although my shop is not active right now) Ill be by to check yours out Juliet, these look great.


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