
Wednesday 30 September 2015

Travelling Seeds by Rebecca Bielawski


Travelling Seeds is just one book from the Mummy Nature series of beautifully illustrated books that introduce children to nature.

This short book shows a child observing a pear on a tree, which then gets eaten by a cute brown-eyed cow who then wanders off leaving the seeds of the pear in its poo!

The story of how animals help to spread fruit seeds is told in rhyme to help the story become memorable with lots of questions thrown in to encourage the child to interact with the story.

It's a simple, delightfully engaging tale that introduces children to the idea of how animals can help spread fruit seeds.

Hopefully after reading this, children will be keen to look out for animals eating fruit in the wild!

Travelling Seeds by Rebecca Bielawski.  

Also see Rebecca's Amazon page.

Disclaimer: I received a free ebook to review.


  1. Juliet,
    __Sadly, some parents would resist exposing their young to this truthful plan of nature and that sort of travel; without these paths, this natural world could never be as it now is. We are no longer farm dwellers, but youngsters see and wonder and in their adventurous wonder, they need the answers of life.
    _Grand, Rebecca_!

    old deer trail
    this wild russet tree
    apple blooms


  2. The book sounds fantastic! :-)

    Greetings from London.


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