
Tuesday 29 September 2015

Indian Summer at Musselburgh

This year our summer was very disappointing, but early autumn is giving us the best weather of the year! Today was wonderfully warm and sunny at Musselburgh. Even the plants seem a bit confused by the seasons, like these sow thistles which are starting to seed, looking lovely with the various flower heads at different stages from flower to seed

There are spiders' webs everywhere, plenty like this one, which caught my eye

Lots of birds around too, but the highlight of the day was a hummingbird hawk moth, only the 2nd I've ever seen! Unfortunately it didn't want to be photographed.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. I always love your nature photos.

  2. Lovely images from your walk. Congrats on the hummingbird hawk moth sighting. Have a happy week!

  3. It is a crazy year, strikes me as very late in the year to be seeing a hummer! Was thrilled to see my first one a few months ago.

  4. Some very nice pictures here.
    I love this time of year, especially when we are fortunate to have some sunshine.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  5. Yes, lovely photos, CGP, and glad to (re?-)learn that those are Sow Thistles! Lovely sunny spells here, too ... You must have been thrilled with the Hummingbird Hawk-moth: such incredible creatures. I wonder if it is late (in the year) for them?

  6. Simon and Caroline, I agree it does seem late in the year for the humming bird hawkmoths, but as i remember, the only other time I've ever seen one was also in September.

  7. The hummingbird moths are fantastic. I have only seen them a couple of times. The first time I didn't believe it was real! They definitely don't wait around to be photographed.


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