
Friday 1 May 2015

Coming Soon - Scotland's Big Nature Festival

Musselburgh Boating Pond, Levenhall Links

The Scottish Big Nature Festival (which includes Scottish Birdfair) takes place this year on 23 - 24 May at Levenhall Links in Musselburgh, my favourite place for birdwatching!(I was there today and saw shovelers and gadwall at the Mouth of the River Esk and several ringed plovers and dunlin on the Lagoons along with 2 grey partridges and several other birds. Plus there were plenty of swallows around).

The Big Nature Festival has a packed programme of events on all aspects of birding and nature, including events for children and families,including 'design your own nature superhero' which sounds particularly exciting, I might go along and see if I can design a super-hero rabbit (as rabbits are the only animals I can draw!).

Lots of exhibitors will be present to offer information on all aspects of birdwatching and enjoying the natural world in Edinburgh and further afield. 

There will also be opportunities to take part in birdwatching walks around the area,  a bird ringing demonstration and  a cruise through the Firth of Forth.

So there really will be something for everyone and the money raised from the event will go towards conserving the curlew, an iconic wader. The UK supports the third largest breeding population of curlews, but numbers have halved in Scotland since 1995. Curlews are frequently seen (and heard) around Musselburgh Lagoons and the Firth of Forth, so it's a highly appropriate choice. You can read more about the RSPB's work for curlews here.


  1. The nature festival sounds like a fun time for all. The birdwatching walks would be a favorite for me.. Happy weekend!

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun! <3 -

  3. Good times for all and a good cause.

  4. So interesting to know about the Scottish Big Nature Festival.
    Happy weekend!

  5. Hi Juliet,

    Sounds like a fun festival - enjoy!



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