
Thursday 30 April 2015

Cherry blossom

The cherry trees are wonderful at the moment

I particularly like the (relatively rare) trees that have both pink and white blossom, like this one we saw in Dalkeith Country Park yesterday


  1. Takes me right back to school! On May 1st we recited Housman's Cherry Tree poem by the school cherry tree, danced round the maypole and washed our faces in the dew. Happy memories of early childhood in the Garden of England!

  2. How utterly beautiful. Amazing to have both colors on the one tree.

  3. Lovely blossom indeed!

  4. :)
    Cherry Blossom is so lovely. Our local tots group had a fab time two weeks ago making their own blossom trees ~ this post reminds me of their faces, all screwed up with concentration!


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