
Sunday 12 April 2015

Toads and herons

I haven't finished blogging about our time in Dumfries and Galloway yet but I thought I'd come back to Edinburgh today. Yesterday we walked round Arthur's Seat, on a blustery and changeable day. The herons are already setting up home in the trees round Duddingston Loch, though you may not be able to see them, there are 13 occupied nests in this photo.

Later on in the walk, we checked out the small pond near the top of Arthur's Seat and were delighted to see this pair of common toads mating in the water


  1. Awesome timing on your part, love the toad shot.. Have a happy day!

  2. Oh that is one great toad!!

  3. And it looks like several more nests up in there as well! Good to see Heron habitat.

  4. What a spectacular shot of both and especially all the heron nests which are so fascinating up close.


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