
Saturday 11 April 2015

The rabbits of Friars Carse

One of the things we love about staying at Friars Carse is being able to watch the local rabbits.

This was the view from our bedroom

and a family of rabbits spent a lot of time on that area of grass. Including these two youngsters, photographed by Crafty Green Boyfriend.

Click on the photos to get a better view!


  1. Awww Speedy's cousin are so cute,bless you for sharing them,xx Rachel

  2. I love the cute bunnies! Great shot, have a happy weekend!

  3. Your river Nith reminds me that here, many of our rivers have native names that end in "ish" (Samish, Salish, Stillaquamish, Sammamish" ... and we are some times known as the "Land of Ish"!


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