
Sunday 5 April 2015

Frogs and Spawn

It was a beautiful sunny day today, perfect for sitting in Crafty Green Boyfriend's mother's garden and watching the frogs. There's plenty of frogspawn in the pond and a fair number of tadpoles too. Some of the spawn are very fresh and some of them are already starting to wriggle around.

and every once in a while a frog poked its head out of the water to say hello

We think this frog is probably four years old, so another year before it's fully mature and ready to start mating and laying its own spawn.


  1. definitely a sign of spring. :)

  2. a frog pokes its head
    out of the water
    another spring

  3. Love the photo of the frog. I didn't realize that are that old before they're reproducing.

  4. Awwww... Love my frogs

  5. I just LOVE the picture of that froggy! I am a HUGE fan of frogs! Seriously, my husband always laughs at me when I see one in nature, because I get so excited! haha! -

  6. Cool shot of the frog.. I am looking forward to seeing some frogs in our little pond. Happy Monday!

  7. That is an awesome photo of the frog!

  8. I can't wait for the first frog to return to the pond. Wonderful pictures.

  9. Anonymous2:51 am

    I didn't know it took them so long to mature - wow!


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