
Friday 10 April 2015

Back Home!

We've just had a lovely few days away at our favourite hotel, Friars Carse, near Dumfries. It's a lovely hotel, set in its own extensive grounds, with lovely riverside walks and serving excellent food. The weather was amazing and we enjoyed exploring some of the many lovely places in the area and saw lots of amazing wildlife including red squirrels, hares and many species of birds! I'll blog about it all in the next few days, once I've sorted my photos out!

I was delighted on getting home to find I had been placed in two writing competitions!

My short story inspired by the dog who 'works' in the local kitchen showroom won the latest Literative contest.

and I came second in the Edinburgh International Science Festival SciKu contest.


  1. Sounds like an awesome place. I will look forward to seeing some of your photos.. Have a happy weekend!

  2. Dumfries is where my family was from (my last name is Maxwell) - I would LOVE to go there. I hope to see photos on your blog. :)

    Love your story! Enchanting. Congrats on the wins!

  3. Anonymous3:59 am

    big congrats :D

  4. Hi Juliet,

    Lovely that you had a break away and sounds like a wonderful place.
    Congratulations on your writing wins.
    Enjoy the weekend

  5. Hi Juliet,

    Lovely that you had a break away and sounds like a wonderful place.
    Congratulations on your writing wins.
    Enjoy the weekend


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