
Tuesday 16 December 2014

Woodland Trust leaf identification swatch book

I was delighted to win this leaf identification swatch book in a recent Woodland Trust online tree identification quiz.

It is a beautifully produced guide to 32 of the most widely seen trees of the UK. The book is small enough to fit into a large pocket but large enough that most of the leaves are shown at life size. It's laminated for easy use in the rain and with the pages easily displayed alongside each other so you can compare and contrast the different species.

Each tree is represented with a photo of its leaf and bud

with on the back of the page some facts about the species

I'll definitely be using this with my nature walk groups.

This is just one of a series of Woodland Trust wildlife identification swatch books. You can see the whole range here.

I reviewed the Woodland Trust fungi identification swatch book here.


  1. What a brilliant idea ... and so attractive. I guess you could also make/buy/produce these for other things like fungi, mosses, berries ...

  2. that's really neat!

  3. I don't get it. You won a leaf identification swatch book by winning a leaf identification quiz by which you proved that you didn't need the swatch book? heh

  4. Wow - just the deal!

  5. How many "pages" are there in that?

  6. How big is it?

  7. Hi Caroline - there's a series - fungi, butterflies and I think woodland wild flowers.

    dosankodebbie - that's a good point, but there was two possible prizes, the other a jute carrier bag and I've already got more of those than I need, plus this swatch book will be reaally useful for my nature groups.

    Rabbits Guy - the book is amall enough to fit into a large pocket but large enough for most of the leaves to be life size. There are 32 pages. (I'll update the post to include that information, thanks for asking).

  8. What a neat book ... Brilliant idea. I would load my pack with one of those for trees, wild flowers, bugs, birds .....


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