
Monday 15 December 2014

Colinton Dell on a wintry day

It's a lovely winters day out there, cold and slightly frosty but still and clear.

A couple of months ago someone had told me there were earthstar fungi in Colinton Dell, but foolishly I never asked exactly where, so I've been searching ever since. Finally today I found them, past their best, their stars almost rotten away, but still worth taking a photo of, and next year I'll know where they are and I'll see them earlier in the year. Assuming they come up again next year, I know fungi can be unreliable like that.

The larch tree that I've been stusdying for Tree Following looks beautiful in the winter sun

Also an amazing selection of birds today. A total of 15 mallards (unusual for this stretch of the river these days), 5 goosanders (a record for my observations in Colinton Dell), 8 bullfinches in one tree (probably the most adult bullfinches I've ever seen in one place), two medium sized flocks of redwings and lots of long tailed tits everywhere. Plus other birds too.  


  1. Good Advent, Juliet!
    A quiet, waiting time of the year. The photos you took and the words you wrote capture that feeling beautifully.
    :) m & jb (who isn't so much into waiting for anything!)

  2. looks like a good day.

  3. Great birding day! And I am in love with your larch tree.

  4. Congrats on finding that fungi! It is neat looking.. And the birding sounds awesome.. A great day! Enjoy your new week ahead!

  5. What a full post! Lovely to see your Larch in its winter glory. And this is exactly the time of year I have seen Earth stars ... such extraordinary things!

  6. Big Christmas bird count coming up here.

  7. A good birding day and how pretty the tree looks with the lighting.... Michelle

  8. Maureen and Josephina - thanks

    TexWis thanks

    Sallie - it's a wonderful tree, isn't it?

    Eileen - I was very happy to find the eart star!

    Caroline - i saw earth stars in another part of Edinburgh about 6 weeks ago and since then have been searching for these ones!

    Rabbits Guy - good luck with the Big Christmas Bird Count

    Thanks Michelle!


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