
Thursday 8 May 2014

Spring along the canal

The hawthorn is just starting to come into flower. Some bushes still are only in tight bud, but on others, some of the flowers are just starting to emerge.

Meanwhile the wych elm fruits are out, all unfeasibly tightly packed onto the branches

And the coltsfoot is already turning to seed and look really beautiful when they're sprinkled with raindrops.

I took these photos along the Union Canal, in Edinburgh, last weekend.


  1. just beautiful! love that last shot!

  2. What an interesting tree the Wych Elm looks. Our Hawthorn is in full flower ... and I'm not sure I would have guessed that the 'watery' flower head was a Coltsfoot, though we saw quite a few on the mainland, opp. Ailsa Craig, so perhaps it is a flower that flourishes in Scotland!

  3. Hi Caroline, there's certainly lots of coltsfoot in and around Edinburgh, yes it does look very different at this stage compared to in full flower

  4. And a beautiful flourish of spring green you've given us to admire here. Thank you. ♥

  5. These are some really beautiful photos. I especially love the one of the coltsfoot!

  6. Great photos. I like the way the hawthorn look as though they are in a line, about to follow their leaders.

  7. Some of our hawthorn is only just coming into flower. I hope the rain forecast for this weekend doesn`t wreck all the blossom.

    I do like the seeding coltsfoot photo.

  8. Lovely flowers and photos! I love spring time!

  9. Beautiful. They are all beauties, but the last shot is my favorite.

  10. How the last image a lot with the muted background against the beauty in front. Wow

  11. beautiful images and blooms... the hawthorn is just at the verge of sharing all it's color. i love spring. it's a beautiful time.


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