
Friday 9 May 2014

Dalkeith Country Park - the ancient oaks

One of the things that Dalkeith Country Park is renowned for (as well as the bluebells, which you can see in Sunday's post) is its ancient oak wood. These trees are amazing, all gnarled and broken but still hanging on. The park management realised a few years ago that because of the livestock that lives in the oak wood very few seedlings were growing and the wood would one day die out. So they've planted seedlings in protected positions, putting fences round them to protect them from the cattle and rabbits. You can see two of these protected seedlings in the background of this photo which shows one of the (probably relatively young) mature oaks.

I like the contrast here between the ancient oak tree and the modern plane in the clouds!

There's something beautiful too about the empty acorn cup here:

and the patterns in the camopy here:

and finally, for Weekend Reflections:

May is Walk in the Woods month, find out more on the Tree Council website.


  1. just gorgeous! nothing better than greens against blue skies w/ tree limbs, too!

  2. I love the empty acorn cup although not sure what the attraction is!

  3. I'm still waiting for our trees to leaf out.

  4. What wonderful reflections ... a lovely way to begin the w/e! Thank you, Juliet.

  5. Lovely tree reflections. Have a great weekend.

  6. Beautiful trees collection...Nicely done...

  7. It always amazes me how completely beautiful the reflections are in a lake.

  8. The empty acorn cup could have held an acorn for the next generation of oak trees!

    The leaves are such a beautiful colour against that blue sky.

  9. That shot of the empty acorn is really lovely.

  10. each shot is unique beauty!
    and oh how I'd love to take a walk in a Scottish wood =)

  11. Lovely trees and images.. The first and last shots are my favorite.. Have a happy weekend!

  12. Hi Juliet,

    Such a wonderful old Oak tree and I always love the little acorn cups.
    Happy weekend

  13. Lots of good May walks in the woods coming up! Good time for that in the Northern Hemisphere.

  14. If I had to pick a kind of environment that made me feel alive it would be woodland for sure there is something fresh and a vibrancy about them. We need to make sure they are looked after

  15. Beautiful trees,xx Rachel

  16. beautiful images. i love the oak for its strong looking frame and green leaves. glad they're replanting and saving such a treasure. hope all is well.

  17. Beautiful pictures! Trees are my happy place, I love them, love walking through the woods so much.


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