
Friday 16 May 2014

Corstorphine Hill (and bunnies)

 Glorious gorse
 and a shady wooded path

Crafty Green Boyfriend works very near Corstorphine Hill and I occasionally join him at lunchtime for a walk there. The photos above are from last Friday's walk and below are from today's walk.

  the first small copper butterfly of the year and yes it does seem to be feeding on bunny poo!
 a beautiful wych elm tree
bunnies outside the hotel near Edinburgh Zoo, and below, one of the entrances to their warren. This entrance is just by the wall next to the pavement of a busy main road.
You can see more photos of the bunnies outside the hotel in Monday's post.


  1. Getting my bunny fix here. Not many where I live. Too many foxes and hawks, perhaps.

  2. What wonderful photos!

  3. What wonderful photos!

  4. I popped over last night and thought I had left a comment but apparently I had not.

    You keep indulging us with these beautiful photos. They are absolutely delicious. This is what spring feels like. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  5. Wow Corstorphine Hill is absolutely beautiful. I really love that picture of the wooded path. There's green everywhere in these pics! And I love the shot of the two bunnies.


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