
Saturday 17 May 2014

Arthur's Seat

We wandered round Arthur's Seat today. The sky was very grey but it didn't rain and in fact the gorse and cow parsley look particularly pretty against such a dark sky.....

There were plenty of birds around, we enjoyed watching this kestrel hover for a while and Crafty Green Boyfriend took several photos including this one

We didn't see it catch any prey! We were delighted to see the first cygnets on the little loch (again photo by Crafty Green Boyfriend)

There were lots of birds singing, including willow warbler, whitethroat, wren, chiffchaff, blackcap and song thrush.

I also took some photos of St Margaret's Well, which you can see on my Shapeshifting Green blog

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more. 


  1. just beautiful scenes.

  2. A busy, busy time for birds! My birder friend told me mid-May was what birders here wish would never go away!!!

  3. Thanks Texwis!

    Rabbits Guy, here it's mid May and late August (which is when all the passage migrants stop down at Musselburgh)

  4. Looks like it was a great outing. Cygnets--love them. Don't see any here, but here are plenty of Canada goose goslings.

  5. Hi Juliet,

    Must have been a lovely day out and love the swan and the cute little cygnets.
    Happy Sunday

  6. Love the songs the birds sing this time of year.

  7. The cygnets are so sweet... the whole scene is magical, looks as if it were lifted from the pages of a fairy tale!

  8. What beautiful photos! Loved the one with the kestrel. Cracking. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.


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