
Tuesday 1 April 2014

NaPoWriMo and Malawian Art

blackbird sings
in the skeleton tree -
white mist


April is NaPoWriMo - national poetry writing month. The idea is to write a poem a day, these poems will by necessity be first drafts, but hopefully can later be developed into more polished works. I'll be  taking part, posting poems both here and on Shapeshifting Green (though not poems on both blogs every day, that would be silly).

Yesterday the NaPoWriMo Early Bird prompt was to write an ekphrastic poem (one inspired by a piece of art) and today on Shapeshifting Green, I've posted a poem inspired by artwork by Jomwa Phiri, an artist I met while I lived in Malawi, who has since become one of the best known artists in that country. I recently found I had more of his paintings than I remembered and have put one in the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop.


  1. you're off to a great start with your first poem of the month. i love this one. i haven't written on a regular basis lately just here and there... maybe this would be a great month for me to jump start my writing again. hope all is well. have a great day~

  2. Hmm Not sure I understand the concept,but I do like the end result,xx Rachel

  3. Sounds like a lot of fun.

  4. Lovely haiku, Juliet.


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