
Wednesday 2 April 2014


The frogs hide beneath
their spawn.

For NaPoWriMo

Yesterday we were round at Crafty Green Boyfriend's mother's house. We took the time to check out the garden ponds:

the larger pond (though not actually all that big) is generally home to several frogs. We didn't see any, though the water was moving in tantalising ways. It was lovely to see the frogspawn, which has started hatching already.

When we turned round we saw a splash in the small pond, but didn't actually see the frog and when we walked past, all we could see was more frogspawn almost ready to hatch

Later in the evening, there was a second clump of spawn in the small pond, though still the frogs were hiding.

A grey heron flew past, but thankfully didn't land. A heron can empty a garden pond of all its frogs and tadpoles in probably less than an hour.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other websites where you can find out more.


  1. Hatching already! I hope the heron doesn`t find them.

  2. If I were a frog I would hide under the spawn if there were grey heron about.

  3. Oh I love frogs and frogspawn. Your post makes me want to go out there and explore what nature has to offer.

  4. Hi Juliet,

    Yes, indeed - really hope that the grey heron keeps away.
    I used to take our kids to a pond that had tadpoles and frogs and we would spend hours watching them.

    happy day

  5. Anonymous3:41 am

    lovely haiku :D We don't have many frogs around this year because it has hardly rained at all - hopefully they'll come back soon!

  6. let the hatching commence,xx Rachel

  7. Cool, I hope all the tadpoles make it.. Sounds like a great time to be out and enjoying a spring day.

  8. Nice ku. I'll refrain from witty observations about "making a splash."


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