
Saturday 1 March 2014

Shadowy Trees and Signs of Spring

I love the tree shadows on these warm orange walls in Musselburgh by the River Esk. 

And the subtle shadows in these beautiful crocuses just the other side of the river, a real sign that Spring is on the way!

I posted more photos of crocuses on this blog yesterday

More shadows over on my Shapeshifting Green blog.

For Shadow Shot Sunday


  1. Hi Juliet. What a gorgeous color orange! Am especially fond of that color. The tree shadows make it come alive.
    We are expecting another a foot of snow here by Monday afternoon. Oh. Goody.
    Glad you liked "Wet Paint" :) The inspiration came to me because I am getting ready to paint some furniture and Miss Josephine is a curious Young Puss who doesn't take no for an answer. And I refuse to yell at her. She was traumatized too much for the first 6 months of her life. I never want to break the trust she has in me. Fortunately, I am going to use chalk paint, so if she does get any on her, it comes right off with water.
    Happy weekend!

  2. Love the pretty crocuses and the cool shadow shots. Happy weekend to you!

  3. When crocuses poke through the brumal earth, you know spring is on the way!

    Shadowy Mural

  4. I love that first shot, beautiful. Crocuses are such tough little things coming out when it is still cold.

  5. Yes, a very welcome post. There are certainly signs of spring here, too, with Snowdrops in the garden and blossom on the trees.

  6. Love the warm yellow of the wall in the first photo and the building in the second. Great palettes for slowly warming shadows.

  7. Spring is creeping in like those tree branches. I love the delicate crocus petals.

  8. Hi Juliet,

    You must be getting excited that Spring is on the way - the crocuses are so pretty.
    happy weekend

  9. Those tree shadows are enhanced by the wonderful golden yellow of the wall with the sunshine on it, aren't they?

  10. Nice shadow of a tree on that first shot. One of my daffodils bloomed two days ago - love the spring flowers.

  11. especially luv the shadows in the first photo

    have a nice Sunday

    much love..

  12. after a nice day yesterday back to rain today,piffle,xx Rachel


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