
Sunday 16 February 2014

National Nest Box Week

14 - 21 February is National Nest Box Week in the UK. The week aims to encourage people to put up next boxes to give birds more places to nest. It's also a reminder that if you already have next boxes, now might be the best time to make sure they're still in good condition before the breeding season starts!

Natural nest sites that birds might use,  such as holes in trees or old buildings are disappearing fast in many places as gardens are ‘tidied’ and old houses are repaired.

By taking part in National Nest Box Week you can help bird conservation whilst enjoying observing the birds that use your nest boxes.

National Nest Box Week is a project of the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology).

Last February, I helped the Water of Leith Conservation Trust put up some nest boxes in Colinton Dell. You can read about this here

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other websites, where you can find out more.


  1. A great project and reminder for people to clean out their nestboxes. I have boxes all around my yard. I am looking forward to seeing which birds I will have nesting in the yard this year.

  2. such a worthwhile project

  3. Anonymous9:39 am

    wonderful stuff - my husband makes his own nest boxes for our Gouldians (a bird which is nearly extinct in the wild) and I would like to set up different size boxes for possums and other birds in the area


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