
Monday 17 February 2014

In Bloom!

Gorse is in bloom most of the year and looking beautiful at the moment in Colinton Dell, by the Water of Leith.

Also beautiful are the hazel trees, which at the moment are dripping in catkins:

and if you look really closely, you can see the lovely red female flowers too:

And I just love the contrast of colours between the bark and the moss on these trees. It's good too that the dead trees are allowed to lie, as they offer great habitat for invertebrates, which in turn offer great food for birds. 

Song thrushes are in decline across the UK, but seem to thrive in Colinton Dell, they were singing their hearts out today, while robins were chasing each other excitedly around the bushes.


  1. great colors coming through!

  2. its hint of spring Yay,xx Rachel

  3. Some amazing and lovely photos. Mother Earth is beginning to wake up from her long winter's nap :)

  4. So lovely. I adore a cool spring. Here on the East Coast it can suddenly turn hot and stay hot in the spring forcing everything to bloom prematurely.

  5. Gorse is just coming into bloom here too Juliet.
    We rarely see a song thrush but we hear one each spring in the ash tree - we wait for its coming with anticipation.

  6. Wow. It is so nice to see nature peeking through. It is so cold here all we see is white.

  7. Mmmmm, seriously some luscious colors and beautiful scenes.

  8. Beautiful signs of spring. I love to see vibrant greens after the long white winter!

  9. Nice to see some signs of spring you way. So green and happy. Not here..More snow and cold... Michelle

  10. enjoyed the series and great to have the birds happening

  11. Lovely colors: greens and yellows and reds on the ground. Painterly scenes.


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