
Tuesday 3 December 2013

Blackleach Country Park

We've just come back from a lovely weekend visiting my parents. These photos are from Blackleach Country Park, Salford, which is just up the road from where my parents live. There were lots of birds on the pond, including three pochards.

We also saw lots of birds in Parr Fold Park, my parents' local park, including a flock of redwings and a nuthatch.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other pages where you can find out more.


  1. Lovely pictures Juliet. Is that Blackheath, Birmingham?

  2. Hi Weaver, no its Blackleach, Salford

  3. beautiful light and dark contrast in these. :)

  4. I love the sunlight on the first shot. What a pretty place, sounds lovely for birding. Have a happy week!

  5. I always love seeing Scotland through your eyes, but this week is special because I'm reading a book set in Edinburgh, and last night (by pure coincidence) I watched a DVD movie set in Edinburgh. I could barely understand what they were saying, but the Japanese subtitles were positioned too low to fit on the TV screen. My husband, whose family came from Aberdeen two generations ago, was able to translate for me a bit. If we ever meet (wouldn't that be fun?) will we have to communicate by writing notes to each other? :)

  6. Looks like winter is coming ....

  7. dosankodebbie - don't worry, i don't have a difficult accent, in fact i don't have a Scottish accent at all, but a Northern English one and not too strong either!


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