
Thursday 28 November 2013

The moods of the sea and a weird goose

The waterfront at Musselburgh today. Out there, are goldeneye, eider, velvet scoter, a red throated diver and a shag. Only some of them are even in the shots and all of them are too far out to be identifiable in the photos, even if you click to enlarge, sorry, but click on each bird's name and you can find out more.

This goose has characteristics of a pinkfoot and of a whitefront, very confusing, possibly its a hybrid, I'm currently trying to get an answer from the experts, but if anyone knows, let me know in the comments. It was hanging out with Canada Geese and greylags (and gulls too!) at Musselburgh.

Edited to add: well it seems that the goose is likely to be a Canada / greylag hybrid! 


  1. Pretty waterscapes and the goose is cute! It could e a hybrid! Have a happy day!

  2. he's cute! :) beautiful seas, too.

  3. what ever he is he's lovely,xx Rachel

  4. what ever he is he's lovely,xx Rachel

  5. He is indeed an odd goose, but he's very cute. I love being around birds and taking their photos once in awhile. Fascinating!

  6. A most wonderful goose. I love his personality. Those photos of the sea are beautiful. Always makes me happy and at peace.

  7. I always consult with the experts myself when I'm not sure.Nice photo of the friendly looking goose. I see the eider has a small scratch on the top of its bill :)

  8. What an interesting goose! I suppose it hangs out with whatever kind of goose its mother was.

  9. Love the sea, love the goose. Thank you for posting these, Juliet. :) maureen

  10. Great photos. The sea's solemnity blended, but heightened too, by the goose's "homeliness".

  11. Beautiful photos. I hope you are able to get an identity for your goose. I recently had an encounter with an odd one also. I've been thinking of posting photos to see if anyone can identify it.

  12. The tide rises - The tide falls ... peaceful seas.

  13. well done, glad you got that goose sorted out

    much love...

  14. I just popped over from Keith's Optimistic Existentialist blog.
    Love your photos.
    Rick, your latest follower.

  15. Anonymous5:20 am

    wouldn't have a clue ;) but love the photos

  16. waterfront
    the birds too far out
    to see

  17. Hi Juliet,

    The sea photos are beautiful, love how calm it makes you feel.
    The goose is lovely.
    happy week


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