
Monday 25 November 2013

Upcycled Christmas Cards

I never like to see Christmas items and decorations in the shops too early, but at the same time, because I make most of my own Christmas cards and some of my Christmas gifts, I start early! Here are some of the cards I've made so far this year, some of you may notice a common theme .....

All the cards are made from card-stock given to me by a friend and scrap paper including scrap wrapping paper.I might add some glitter (given to me by the same friend) at the last moment.

You can see some of my designs from previous years here, here and here.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. Bunnies!yippee!xx Rachel

  2. really cute. great idea.

  3. You are so industrious and clever!

  4. Hi Juliet,

    Love the sweet bunny Christmas cards you made. I make mine too, so much nicer than the ones you buy.

    Happy week

  5. I love receiving home made cards Juliet and used to make all of mine, but sadly I now send far too many to do that, but I always buy charity cards which I think contribute a bit to somebody's Christmas.

  6. I like your Christmas bunnies. ;) And I'm impressed that you make so many of your cards and gifts.

  7. Have a very bunny Christmas! You are so talented.

  8. So much joy from the whole project!

    Regarding the Greenbelt zoning. I guess the citizenry needs to vote out those who would easily overturn well thought out decisions from the past. I know you have strong conservation groups and ethics there - I hope they prevail and stand strong.


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