
Tuesday 26 November 2013

Late Autumn Woodlands

The photo above is talen looking through the sign outside the Forestry Commission office in Edinburgh to across the road from the commission's offices. I took the photo on Friday.

Today I was in Colinton Dell, along the Water of Leith.

Fungi in Colinton Dell

I should know the species of fungus, but don't and I can't find them either in the Woodland trust fungi id swatch (that I reviewed here) or in my fungi book! If anyone knows the species, please let me know in the comments section! 

Fallen leaves in the Dells.

Meanwhile if you live in the UK amd love woodlands, please consider signing the Woodland trust petition calling on Forestry Minister Dan Rogerson, MP, to ensure grants for tree planting and creating new woods are put in place and maintained during the gap between old and new forestry funding schemes. 

For Nature Notes

On an entirely different topic, my poem Cello in the Dark is now up on the Bigger Stones website.  

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can  find out more.


  1. great photo's,can't help with the fungi ,not my thing,xx Rachel

  2. That first photograph is very effective Juliet.

  3. Lovely series of images! The first one is cool! Have a happy week!

  4. Beautiful Fall color and that sign is amazingly well-placed! It becomes a work of art when the leaves are in color.

  5. What a charming fence! Well spotted. I don't know what the fungi are, but they are lovely. They almost seem to be fluttering in a breeze.

  6. these are wonderful!

  7. I know nothing about mushrooms except to leave them alone!

  8. I lost my comment...I hope we all make better conservation decisions no matter where we live...Michelle


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