
Wednesday 20 November 2013

National Tree Week

an ornamental rowan tree, Princes Street Gardens 

National Tree Week organised by the Tree Council, runs from 23 November - 1 December to coincide with the start of the tree planting season. 

The week aims to encourage people to plant trees and to look after those they already have. Why not get involved in one of the many Events happening across the UK? Or plant a tree in your garden!

If you're wanting to use Tree Week as a way to inspire children and young people to look after trees, then The Woodland Trust has a very comprehensive selection of activities and learning resources

The Tree Council has a network of volunteer Tree Wardens across the UK. Find out how to get involved here


And for those of you who missed these links a couple of days ago: 

Meanwhile in England the government plans to stop tree planting grants in the period 2014 - 2016. If you think this is the wrong decision, please sign the petition  to ensure grants for tree planting and creating new woods are put in place and maintained during the gap between old and new forestry funding schemes. 
Over the next week, to celebrate Tree Week, I'll be posting a couple of poems about trees over on Bolts of Silk.  
As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more. 


  1. Good to hear this group is promoting the planting and care of trees. We need more healthy trees.

  2. It is great idea to encourage people to plant more trees. Have a great day!

  3. Plant 'em. NOW!

  4. This is a good idea!
    Have a nice day!

  5. Luckily we have many trees on our land Juliet, but if we get ash die back they will be sadly depleted. Perhaps we should be planting something else already. Any ideas?

  6. Weaver - yes ash dieback cound damage a lot of woodlands and landscapes. I'm not sure what is a good species to replace ash.


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