
Tuesday 8 October 2013

Insect Hotels for the Winter

I just love these insect hibernacula that have appeared over the weekend in the Hidden Meadow in Colinton Dell by the Water of Leith. I think they were made by Redhall Gardens. Hibernacula offer winter hibernating places, in this case for insects and other invertebrates, though bigger structures are often built for reptiles and amphibians.

For Nature Notes

My entry to the Pure Travel 'Worst Ever Journey' competition is now up on their website. You can read it here. There's still time to enter the competition!

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. Oh wow what a creative idea - hibernating places :)

  2. wow! that's pretty cool!

  3. That 2nd one kind of looks like some "storage" shelves in our little barn!

    And .. the next time a certain someone tells me to tidy up the back yard - flower pots here and there, piles of sticks, newspaper, weedy areas, etc. I will just say .."No! No! Those are Insect Hotels!"

    Your train journey did sound horrid!

  4. Not only have I learnt a brilliant new word, we must now build hibernacula this weekend.

  5. I wanted to make something like this over the summer, but my recovery is still ongoing..I love it...Michelle

  6. I liked your Worst Ever Journey!!!


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