
Friday 13 September 2013

On the Farm

We've just had a lovely few days in Peebles, in the Scottish Borders. We stayed at a lovely farmhouse B&B, with fields full of horses and wildlife too. We saw this family of roe deer every day from our room (click on the photo to get a closer view).

There were lots of rabbits everywhere too, though all of them too quick to be caught on camera! We watched one adorable young bunny running through the woodland, ducking under fallen branches and leaping over rocks. The B&B had these little rabbits that did stay still enough for photos! (They also had a lovely white cat that, every evening, greeted us and lead us through the farmyard, though the garden gate and up to the front door).

We've visited Peebles several times, but this time we discovered some new walks and saw new areas of the countryside.
The weather was mostly beautifully clear and warm, though one day it rained a fair bit.

We walked for miles through woodland and over moorland! I'll share more in a couple of blog posts over the next few days.


  1. Nice photographs Juliet. We went to Peebles a few years ago - it is such a pleasant area.

  2. Wow what a wonderful B&B this must have been. I love the sky in that pic.

  3. just gorgeous area!

  4. My dog would love it there. He thinks rabbits were put on this earth just to play with him.

  5. That is so beautiful Juliet,xx Rachel

  6. Wow, what a lovely place to stay! The wildlife sightings sound wonderful! Beautiful scenery and photos! Have a happy weekend!

  7. Nice place! Nice weather! Nice!

  8. What a great sunset.


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