
Saturday 14 September 2013

In the Forest

One day on our short break in Peebles, it was dull and drizzly all day. We spent most of that day walking to and round Glentress Forest, which is a recreational forest, with lots of mountain bike trails and several walk routes. Everywhere was draped in a beautiful mist:

All the trees were covered in spiders webs, it's amazing to try and imagine the number of spiders that must be around to make all these webs, the photos below are entirely typical!

In the middle of Glentress there's a lovely pond area, which recently had been the venue for some kind of craft project involving weaving wool and natural materials into a fence round the ponds. There are several spiders webs in amongst the artwork (though not necessarily visible in the photo below!). 

The forest was full of fungi, I'll try and identify as many as I can and then I'll blog about them in the next day or so!


  1. What a beautiful place, the forest and your web shots are wonderful. I love the first misty photo! Have a great weekend!

  2. very pretty - and damp.

  3. beautiful Photos Juliet,xx Rachel

  4. How true, September is spiders' time, they gather the accumulated summer's saliva and digress with it leaving to us tapestries over tapestries of summer's aftermath...

  5. The art project is pretty cool, but I can just imagine the spiders laughing at the lack of weaving skill!

  6. Hi Karen, yes, the spiders are far superior weavers to the humans involved in the art project!

  7. What strangely gorgeous photos! It does make one wonder how many and how BIG the spiders are that make the webs!

  8. Betty - we reckoned that there were thousands of spiders.... most of them probably aren't very big though

  9. Nice pictures - they just call out "early autumn" I think.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  10. Fascinating idea to see nature and human art combined like this! We don't have many spiders, but there are plenty of moths and daddy-longlegs about here!


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