
Wednesday 21 August 2013

Windowsill Garden - update

We've grown tomatoes for several years now and have nad good crops every year. This year, one of our tomato plants is producing full size tomatoes rather than the cherry tomatoes we nromally get.

And for the first time, we're growing parsley this year:

and Crafty Green Boyfriend's parents just gave us a lovely lemon basil plant, the leaves are quite different from normal basil, but the perfume is just the same!


  1. Those are some beautiful tomatoes!!

  2. I see green fingers go with the CGP territory! I can almost smell the fresh basil ...

  3. Optimistic - we're hoping they taste as good as they look, the cherry tomatoes certainly always taste good!

    Caroline - thanks, the basil smells lovely, we're held back slightly though by not getting very much sun at our windows,

  4. Yum! I haven't anywhere with a sill and good sun exposure where I can grow herbs indoors. If I put them outside, they just get burnt to a crisp when I forget to water them.

    Remind me to tell you about a story of a cherry tomato plant, a spiral plant stand, and a lot of very happy squirrels.

  5. Looks like some of those tomatos are about ready to eat now - the supermarkets just can't compete with a home grown one.

  6. Sandy - I think at least one of them will end up in tonight's supper! And yes they always taste better!

  7. looking nice those are better hide the herbs though incase some bunny decides to visit,xx Rachel

  8. The tomatoes look delicious, nice to slice up for a sandwich or salad. We are growing the cherry tomatoes and they are sweet!

  9. OOUUuuhhhh!

    Our tomato plant is just about ready to produce the first ripe one and we have two full pots of basil - basil on everything these days!

  10. projects
    flowers in a window box
    rainy day red

    "projects," in addition to denoting activities like a window box or windowsill garden, is short for "housing projects," an American term comparable to the British "housing estate," but perhaps more strongly connoting housing for the poorer segments of society.

  11. Kat - sounds like an interesting story!

    TexWis - thanks!

    speedy - yes rabbits would love the herbs!

    eileen - yes cherry toms are very sweet!

    Rabbits Guy - yup basil on everything!

    Bill - or housing schemes here in Scotland.

  12. Wow! Those tomatoes are beautiful (the photo is, too). The rest looks good, too.
    Ours are doing well this year, two heirloom varieties that I got from a local farmer. unfortunately, I can't say the same for the parsley and basil. The parsley has finally gotten lively, but is rather behind. The basil seems hopeless.

  13. Bravo on the tomatoes! I've been nurturing some plants on my sunny patio. There were two tomatoes almost ready to eat and a squirrel came along and ate chunks out of both of them. Arrghh!

  14. bunnits, heirloom tomatoes, excellent!

    Ms Sparrow, Crafty green Boyfriend's parents have that problem with the squirrels eating their plums


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