
Tuesday 20 August 2013

Silverknowes - Cramond

The best thing about going to the dentist for me is that the surgery is very near Silverknowes so after every appointment I walk down this road to the front at Silverknowes and along to Cramond.

There's a lot of hairy willowherb in flower at the moment.

This is one of the flowers that first got me really interested in Botany. When I first saw this plant (on a family holiday, in Cornwall I think) I thought it was incredibly beautiful and then realised it wasn't in the flower book I had so I rushed out to buy another flower book! (I've blogged about its more common cousin rosebay willow herb here).

I love the architecture of the seedheads of the cow parsley, and they smell of fennel!

for Nature Notes

I just put my upcycled gift bags into the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other pages where you can find out more.


  1. nice to take a nature break - from the dentist!

  2. I first became interested in birds at the age of 28 when we moved to Northern Minnesota. There were so many different birds in the lakes region that in the prairie area of Southern Minnesota. Those birds I grew up with seemed boring in comparison to the flocks of cedar waxwings and yellow-headed blackbirds.

  3. lovely photo's,xx Rachel

  4. I'd much rather walk down the road than go to the dentist.

    That 'willow' flower is really pretty.

  5. Great thing that even a dentist connects you with nature!

    Lovely photos.

  6. Really great photos. This is a plant I don't know at all; thanks for the introduction.

  7. Teeth cleaning next Thursday. The cleaner is diabolical! I will think of lots of fine scenes of nature!!! (Thanks for the inspiration.)

  8. Lovely area and plants. It's nice to have that to take some of the pain out of going to the dentist!

  9. I thought I left a comment, it must be lost. I would much rather take a walk and look for birds and flowers than go to the dentist. Lovely photos!

  10. I too would want to have a place to enjoy after the dentist.... I will go visit your shop ... Thank you for linking in... Michelle

  11. Now that we're too old to get a lollipop from the dentist, we have to devise our own treats.

  12. I do love the seedpods. I think they are prettier almost than the flower themselves.


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