
Monday 22 July 2013

Quiet Forest - an exhibition of poetry installations

I was very excited to hear about Quiet Forest - an exhibition of poetry installations to be held on 6 August at Forest Cafe by Inky Fingers.

I was even more excited to find out that my proposal for a series of poetry windchimes was accepted. I made my first poetry windchime a while back and will be making several more in the next couple of weeks!

So if you're in Edinburgh on 6 August, why not pop into the Forest Cafe and have a wee look round? Have a snack while you're there as well, they do very nice vegan cakes.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. Poetry windchimes - what a fantastic idea! I'm going to have a go at that to hang around the garden, using wood from fallen branches of my willow and stones I picked up on my last visit to Spurn Point. Thanks for the idea!

  2. Most interesting ...

  3. This sounds like a lovely event. And what a cute venue!

  4. Wish I could be there

    wind chimes
    the words we've never had
    to say


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