
Saturday 20 July 2013

Lime trees and butterflies

We had a lovely walk this morning from Cramond Brig to South Queensferry, passing through the lovely Dalmeny Estate.

The lime trees (lindens) are in full bloom now, at this time of year they're definitely one of my favourite trees. Their flowers are beautiful and their lovely scent is everywhere.

The weather was perfect - sunny and warm with enough of a cooling breeze to stop it getting too hot. It was ideal weather for butterflies too and we saw lots of white butterflies, a few meadow browns and ringlets, a couple of small tortoiseshells and three common blues. Crafty Green Boyfriend got this photo of a female common blue. For all that they're common, it's a long time since I remember seeing one.

The Big Butterfly Count starts today and lasts until 11 August, so if you're out and about remember to record the butterflies you see and take part!

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more. 


  1. looks like a beautiful place in beautiful weather. :)

  2. We had been hoping to do the count today, but it was horrid weather ... windy and 'close' at the same time, with dark overcast skies. There were tiny showers, but no real rain to speak of. Having seen quite a few butterflies all week, I don't think I saw one today ... but I do plan to take part in the count (and our forecast shows a return of the sunshine). The Common Blue photo is beautiful ... along with the poppy and linden-lined meadow.

  3. Beautiful pictures. Saw you are active with Pintress so I came to check out your blog. Enjoyed what I saw.

  4. Linden trees are one of my favourites. You can't beat their fragrance. Lovely photos.

  5. Lovely place for counting the butterflies. I hope you had a great day and count.

  6. beuatiful place for a walk Juliet,xx Rachel

  7. counting butterflies . . .
    the long summer days
    pass so swiftly

  8. Nice butterfly shot! Our linden is done and dropping the little dried flower pieces everywhere!

  9. Anonymous10:54 am

    Gee the weather looks wonderful :) Enjoy your butterfly counting.


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