
Monday 17 June 2013

Monday Bunday - a Bonus Blogpost

It's beautiful by the Water of Leith at the moment! The flowers are dramatically in bloom everywhere! This lovely buttercup field is part of the 'Hidden Meadow' next to Redhall Gardens (which were originally the kitchen gardens of the Redhall Estate that used to own this area, but now are run as a therepeutic horticultural project by Scottish Association for Mental Health).

Deep in the Hidden Meadow, somewhere behind the wild rosebush in this photo, and safely protected by a thick layer of brambles, is the rabbit warren. I watched a rabbit today, it seemed quite without fear as I wandered around, picking up litter and taking photos. For some reason though it didn't like the idea of being photographed itself and it disappeared off into the bramble patch...

The Edinburgh International Film Festival starts on Wednesday. I have my, by now traditional, press pass and will be watching and reviewing at least 20 films over the next couple of weeks. I'll be sharing the reviews between this blog and my Shapeshifting Green blog. The festival programme looks great!

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more. 


  1. lovely thick growth - perfect for bunnies. :)

  2. Our North American rabbits don't have burrows or warrens. They just make a nest under a shrub or hollow.
    It seems like a warren would be a much safer place for them.

  3. That is a meadow that I would love to spend hours upon hours in :-)

  4. Never tell a rabbit to say "cheese."

  5. I love a wild rosebush! The petals taste wonderful.

  6. Hi Juliet,

    Love the pretty field of buttercups.
    Enjoy the film festival, you are going to have a fun, busy time.

    Happy week

  7. this is simply delightful

    much love...

  8. Beautiful country for bunnies -- and as long as they're there, even if they're hiding, then all is well.


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