
Monday 17 June 2013

Beaded bookmark with forget-me-not charm

This is my latest beaded bookmark (and likely my last for a while as I'm running out of seed beads). There's a small forget-me-not floral charm on one end of this one! It's made from repurposed fishing line and beads from my stash.

It's now available to buy in my Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop.

When I first set up my Etsy shop I undercharged on postage costs and ended up 'out of pocket' on a couple of items. Then I overcompensated and have had to refund some postage costs. So I've been through the whole shop and I think my postage costs are all reasonable now. Of course, as it states in my shop policies, I'll still refund any excess postage (over 50p / $1).

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. Very pretty Juliet. I wish I had known that you used seed beads - I recently gave away thousands as I no longer bead (too hard on the eyes.)

  2. Thanks Weaver, I hope the beads went to a good home! Don't worry, i've still got lots of other beads for projects that aren't bookmarks!

  3. It sounds like it's pretty tricky getting it right!

  4. love the colour reminds me of my garden although the forget-me-nots are dying of now,xx Rachel

  5. This is very pretty and I just love your eco-approach so much....Michelle


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