
Thursday 7 March 2013

Publishing update

I seem to have had a lot published recently so here's a summary:

Dog Ear is a literary journal that's also a bookmark and I've currently got a poem featured on it! You can read Dog Ear on-line (you may need to scroll down to read my poem Notice) or look out for your free copy in selected stockists in London, Manchester, Hebden Bridge and Berlin! (I don't know yet whether my poem will be included in the print version).

I've also got another haiku on Daily Haiku. This is my last week as a contributor to Daily Haiku. I've really enjoyed being involved - you can read all my haiku so far here (and two more to come!).

My poem A Mountainside on an Autumn Evening won 2nd prize in the Mountaineering Council of Scotland poetry competition.

I've had two poems published on Kumquat: sleep deprived and Wordstorm with one more to follow soon.

My poem Return was recently Monday poem on the Leaf Press website, published alongside a 'quirky' photo of me with our old rabbit Anya.

Earlier this week, I belatedly found out that my story Behind Closed Windows was published last May on Every Day Fiction.

And just now I found out that one of my poems will be included in Poised in Flight the next anthology from Kind of a Hurricane Press.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. Good grief! You are one busy gal! Congratulations on your success!

  2. Ay God but those Scots are some great poets and story tellers - not to mention discovering most of North America!

  3. You're going from strength to strength Julia. All very impressive. Nice to know I'll be alongside you in Poised in Flight.

  4. Well done! You work hard at this poetry stuff! I've been a lazy bum!
    Cheers from Cottage Country!

  5. You are incredibly talented. I bookmarked this post to follow all the links when I have time. Tday I read the Autumn poem and the images are perfect.


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