
Wednesday 6 March 2013

Another little table mat

You may remember that recently I made a small table mat. In that blog post I said I would share  before and after photos of the next similar mat I made. Well here is the before photo, showing the two fabric samples and the old kimono fabric for the edging. The kimono fabric may seem familiar, as I've used it already to make a camera case; a reusable sandwich bag and a draught excluder.

I sewed the two fabric samples together, cut four lengths from the kimono to act as edging and sewed those onto the edges of the fabric and ended up with this reversible mat:

This mat was easier to sew than the previous one, because this time the edging material was thinner. The completed item looks nice on a chest of drawers with an accompanying rabbit and vase:

I've just put together a Treasury on Etsy, showcasing some lovely crafts featuring snowdrops, the first flower to appear as a sign of Spring. A couple of the items also feature rabbits or hares! (For those of you who don't know how Etsy works, these items are some of my favourites from around Etsy, I didn't make any of the items in the Treasury!)

I have another haiku on Daily Haiku today

and I just found out that my poem A Mountainside on an Autumn Evening won 2nd prize in the Mountaineering Council of Scotland poetry competition!

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other pages where you can find out more!


  1. This definitely makes me feel spring-like :)

  2. You are multi-talented! It's almost scary. I blog because I can't do anything else .

  3. What a productive and successful time you continue to have, Juliet! Beautiful blues for the mat ... and many congratulations for your second prize poem, which is most evocative.

  4. I am impressed with your 2nd prize in the MCS comp. The mat and the rabbit were made for each other, a very pair.

  5. Your rabbit on the dresser reminded me it's time to get out my Easter rabbits to display. It's hard to feel like spring with another foot of snow on the ground.

  6. Yur gettin' famous!

  7. Lovely mat. It looks quite good with the rabbit and vase.

    Another nice haiku, too.

  8. Congratulations on the poetry recognition. The mat is lovely too.


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