
Sunday 2 September 2012

Rocking the Boat

 Mallards on a sinking boat
a closer view of a female showing off the blue in her wing

Photos taken along the Union Canal, Edinburgh


  1. Funny title. Looks like it is sinking. Good thing the ducks are such good swimmers. Great captures!

  2. I got a kick out of your ducks sitting in the boat. They're always fun to watch.

  3. I love that stripe of blue in the wing of the bird. Oh dear oh dear I feel the painting urge coming upon me...... (wrings hands)

  4. (See Racer around there anywhere?)

    I guess the rains were a bit much for the frail craft!

  5. I'd completely forgotten about the canal in Edinburgh - I used to cross it quite a lot as a student. I must go and see what the changes on it have been like in the last few (ahem) years.


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