
Saturday 1 September 2012

Autumn on Craiglockart Hill

 View over to Arthur's Seat
first hints of autumnal colour

I know that many people believe that seasons start at the appropriate solstice or equinox (I think this is the traditional view and most firmly held these days perhaps in the USA). Like, I suspect, most British people and certainly our Met Office, I think autumn officially starts at the beginning of September. That said, I really believe that the seasons start when they want to start and our official dates are just for our own convenience. 

We had a lovely walk round Craiglockart Hill today. It didn't really feel autumnal though the leaves are starting to turn.


  1. Lovely photos! I too think autumn starts beginning September.

  2. I often have had the feeling that autumn starts at the beginning of September, in the same way as summer at the very beginning of June.

  3. The leaves have been falling for some weeks already. Those that cling to the trees look gray and tired. The lack of rain has made all the green things worn out and ready for winter.

  4. There is an autumnal feel to the mornings here and I noticed that a beech tree in our village is turning colour early.

  5. I am thinking like you, I am already seeing the leaves falling off the trees and turning colors. Lovley photos! Have a great weekend!

  6. Here autumn comes and goes, comes and goes - until, one day, the rains and gray and winds come and it is finally official!

  7. My autumn begins on our Labor Day, the first Monday in September. We'll see if the weather accepts my definition tomorrow.

  8. I'm just trying not to think about it. The leaves in Kirkcudbright are still firmly attached to the trees and there are still swifts flying about.


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