
Tuesday 18 September 2012

Rabbit Awareness Week

As many readers of this blog know, I love rabbits. (Go here to find all the posts about Anya, who used to be our pet rabbit (and about the crafts I've made using her shed fur)).

It's Rabbit Awareness Week this week, raising public awareness of rabbit health and welfare issues.

And here is Humphrey, the office rabbit from Cottontails Baby, talking about what it takes to keep a bunny happy. It's an old post, but well worth re-reading.

By the way, does anyone know what's happened to The House of Rabbits Blog? I tried to visit this morning but Blogger said that the blog (and Rabbits Guy's profile) no longer exist.

Update: Rabbits Guy has had a computer glitch, the House of Rabbits blog was shut down for some reason, but all the bunnies are working hard to get it back up!

On a different topic, I just added a pack of brown floral sea pottery shards to my Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop. You can see them here.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. I love the bunnies too! Your Anya was a pretty bunny. We use to have an all white lop bunny named Snowball. Thanks for bringing attention to the Rabbit awareness week.

  2. Juliet - someone I blog with has asked me whether I can recommend any reading books for a twelve year old Dutch boy who is learning to read English- preferably books about rabbits (or any other animal.) Have you any ideas? If so could you please let me know.

  3. Eileen - Snowball is such a cute name for a white bunny!

    Weaver, yes I noticed that comment on your blog, I'll have a think and let you know. There are the little grey rabbit books, I'll look up more details.

  4. When I was a teenager, we had two pet rabbits. Even though we lived in town, we let them roam outside their hutches. We had a wood pile in back and there were lots of grassy areas so we didn't worry too much. However once the bigger bunny came home with her whiskers singed!

  5. We at the House of Rabbits are fine - Google has taken our blog down with no explanation. We are working through the process of trying to get it back up. Quite a few people having a similar problem - it probably has to do with how Google automatically shuts off spamming sites. I actually tried to post a comment about the pretty waterfalls last evening and got an e-mail from Google saying I was not allowed to do that! Bummer ...

  6. Very good. We like rabbit awareness week.

  7. Bunns! So glad to know you're all okay - hope to see your blog up and running again soon!


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