
Friday 23 March 2012

Reflections in Redford Woods

If you've been reading this blog over the past week, you'll know that Crafty Green Boyfriend and I recently discovered Redford Woods a lovely area of woodland along Edinburgh's Braid Burn. Today I thought I'd share some more photos for Weekend Reflections.

wild garlic in abundance on the other shore of the burn!

probably more shadows than reflections in this photo, but a lovely piece of water!

the view across to the Pentland hills from fields near the woods

For Weekend Reflections


  1. What a wonderful find! From where I am sitting in rainy grey southern China this place looks so refreshing!

  2. What a lovely and peaceful looking place plus wonderful reflections! Wonderful captures for the day! Enjoy your weekend!!


  3. I miss wild garlic. So much so I paid a silly amount for a plant of it to put in the garden 'legumes ancien' from a catalogue!, in French as in other European languages it's called 'bear's garlic'. It probably won't thrive, since if it were the right soil for it it would be all over the woods and valleys here. It's a terribly trendy restaurant ingredient now, you know. Do you use it in your cooking?

  4. I have just back tracked through your posts to read more about Redford Woods discovering this delightful place with you. The way wild garlic perfumes the air is something so special.Lovely posts.

  5. Nice shots.

    Regards and best wishes

  6. I am a big garlic lover, I use it in much of my cooking. How nice it would be to have it growing wild in my wooded lot!

  7. Lovely - it looks like Spring! You seem a little earlier than we are.
    Wild garlic not quite out yet.

  8. Lucy - I'd love to use wild garlic in my cooking but i don't know any that grows in places without dogs. I just don't want to pick it where dogs run through it and well leave mess there....

    Titus - its not flowering yet, though some of the few flowered leeks are already in bloom.

  9. What a lovely green place to have found. Ramsons-wild garlic, was growing in profusion last spring on the Hampshire downland at Steep where Edward Thomas used to live and write. The scent was pungent and wonderful.

  10. what a pretty place
    and so much green

  11. Such a beautiful place! Enchanting.

  12. Very beautiful place and what fun that garlic grows wild there.

  13. good find,good photos;

    much love...

  14. good find, good photos

    much love...

  15. What a lovely place, the reflections are wonderful. I hope you had a great weekend!

  16. Anonymous5:24 am

    Would love a close up picture of the wild garlic - just a thought!

  17. Hi Gabrielle - I'll do close up photos of few flowered leek and wild garlic when they're in flower (which will be soon).


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